2018年4月11日(水)16:00 - 17:00
理学部5号館 2階 5208
Prof. Ghanshyam Purohit (Sir Padampat Singhania University、India(現核融合科学研究所))
Charged particle impact ionization cross sections of atoms, ions and molecules(原子、分子、イオンに対する荷電粒子衝撃イオン化断面積)
Ionization of targets such as atoms, ions, and molecules by charged projectiles such as electrons / positrons has been studied from a long time and has various applications; few may be listed as diagnostics of fusion plasmas, modeling of physics and chemistry related to atmosphere, understanding the effect of ionizing radiation on biological tissues etc. The detailed information about this kind of collision processes are obtained from the triple differential cross sections (TDCS) obtained through the coincidence study, which has been of interest since the pioneering work of Ehrhardt group [1]. Coincidence study of TDCS has been of particular interest since it provides full information about the collision dynamics and momentum vectors of all the free particles involved in the ionization are determined.
Recently, we have reported electron and positron impact ionization cross sections for Ar atoms [2] and Kr [3] atoms. In this presentation, we review briefly the status of charged particle ionization processes from targets with introductory idea about the theoretical formalism involved. The recent results for the electron / positron impact ionization of various atomic / ionic / molecular targets will be presented and discussed.
[1] H. Ehrhardt, K. H. Hesselbacher, K. Jung, and K. Willmann, J. Phys. B 5, 1559 (1972).
[2] G. Purohit and D. Kato, Phys. Rev. A 96 (4), 042710 (2017).
[3] G. Purohit and D. Kato, J. Elec. Spec. Rel. Phenom. 222, 63 (2018).
Recently, we have reported electron and positron impact ionization cross sections for Ar atoms [2] and Kr [3] atoms. In this presentation, we review briefly the status of charged particle ionization processes from targets with introductory idea about the theoretical formalism involved. The recent results for the electron / positron impact ionization of various atomic / ionic / molecular targets will be presented and discussed.
[1] H. Ehrhardt, K. H. Hesselbacher, K. Jung, and K. Willmann, J. Phys. B 5, 1559 (1972).
[2] G. Purohit and D. Kato, Phys. Rev. A 96 (4), 042710 (2017).
[3] G. Purohit and D. Kato, J. Elec. Spec. Rel. Phenom. 222, 63 (2018).
お問い合わせ先は物理学科コロキウム係:大江純一郎 junichirou.ohe(atmark)sci.toho-u.ac.jp (atmark)は@です。
お問い合わせ先は物理学科コロキウム係:大江純一郎 junichirou.ohe(atmark)sci.toho-u.ac.jp (atmark)は@です。